Message from Chairman and CEO
Nothing can be more important for the success of Citizens Service Corps e.V. than our ethical values.
The greatest potential of our association lies in our collective respect for high standards with respect to honesty and integrity. Each member is aware of the importance of always doing the right thing. We enhance the understanding of ethical values among our members, sustaining members, partners, cooperation partners, sponsors and customers / clients. This is the Citizen Service Corps e.V. way of operating. We understand that we must be guided by our common ethical values. To act otherwise would expose each of us, as well as the reputation of Citizen Service Corps e.V. to many risks and dangers. Furthermore, we urge all our partners, cooperation partners, sponsors and customers / clients to raise concerns, pose questions and encourage the highest degree of integrity in case we miss our ethical principles.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Cyrille Mvondo Mvondo Chairman and CEO