§1 Name, registered office and financial year The Association carries the name “Citizen Service Corps e.V.”, with the acronym CSC. The association has its head quarter in Cologne. It is registered on 19 January 2012 in the Register of Associations of the Regional Court of Cologne under the number VR 17088 The fiscal year is the calendar year.
§2 Aim, role, non-profit character of the Association The aim of the Association is the advancement of an international mind-set of tolerance at all cultural levels and development cooperation in terms of public awareness through, among others, knowledge-transfer, economic exchange, publications, conferences, educational and public relations work. At the same time, the Association`s own Africa-related research activities in the economic, social, humanities and natural science fields will be expounded upon, the results of which are to be made publicly available. A special value arises through the practical and scientific cooperation with local and international organisations, whose initiatives should be supported within the possibilities offered by the Association (public representation, scientific project coordination and evaluation, etc.). The Association pursues exclusively non-profit purposes according to the section “tax-deferred aims” of the General Tax Code. The Association has a selfless function and does not primarily follow self-financing aims. The Association’s resources may only be used for purposes stipulated by the Statute. Association members must continually be informed about the progress of projects and events that are being funded by the Association. Association members do not receive any money from the Association`s resources unless it concerns tax-free grants. Members will not receive any percentage of Association wealth on terminating membership or on dissolution of the Association.
§2.1. The “Citizen Service Corps e.V.” is made up of individuals and establishments in the African diaspora and self-established migrant organisations that would like to share their knowledge and experience with others in Germany and abroad. As volunteering experts in their particular fields of specialization, they support the training and further education of experts and leaders. They render assistance to self-help and hence an important role in ensuring the future in Africa.
§2.2. Members of the “Citizen Service Corps e.V.” are primarily of the following speciality fields: - Physicians (tropical medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, cardiology, transfusion medicine - Computer scientists and engineers, in particularly the fields of : mechanical engineering, electro-technique, - Energy technology, technical health, medical technology, environmental and - Hygiene-technology, process engineering, statistics - Social sciences, economics and business management - Solar technology experts and Photovoltaic-installation (P.V.) technicians - Agribusiness experts specializing in the tropics - Vocational school teachers and trade, craftsmanship and mechanical trainers - Regional development and tourism experts - Food processing experts - Water and environment experts
§2.3. The Association’s tasks are especially: - Establishment of a country partnership between Africa and Germany - Development aid and knowledge-transfer to Africa - Support and coaching of returnees to Africa - Care of volunteers and sponsors - Public relations work - Cooperation with authorities and associations - Promotion of the integration of Africans living in Germany - Educational and specialist trips to Africa
§2.4. In order to realise its aims and projects, the Association may make use of services with costs. No one may benefit from expenses that are not in line with the Association`s aims or through disproportionally high remuneration. All those that hold offices in the Association do this on voluntary basis and are only entitled to appropriate expense reimbursement. §3 Membership and affiliate members §3.1. The Association`s membership consists of the founding members with all rights and responsibilities. They directly and actively participate in the realisation of the Association`s aims. Further members may include any individual, as long as he or she is prepared to accept and defend the Association’s aims. The acceptance of further members is decided upon by the Executive Board. Membership requests must be made in writing to the Executive Board.
§3.2. In addition to Association membership, there is a possibility of non-voting affiliate membership. Individuals or entities, as well as any institution in the African diaspora may also become Affiliate members. Affiliate members actively or financially support the Association’s activities. On entering membership, affiliate members submit a binding declaration stating how they would like to support the Association`s activities. Affiliate members can, in agreement with an Executive Board member, change the above declaration until the 15th of each month for the end of the same month. §3.3. In special cases, individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the improvement of participatory events in Africa may be made honorary members.
§4 Termination of membership Membership ends on termination or in the case of death. Withdrawal from the Association is made in writing to the Executive Board and takes effect at the end of the following financial year. Upon good cause shown, exclusion of a member can be done through a board resolution with immediate effect. A significant cause is especially on hand if the member acts against the goals of the Association and harms the Association through their actions or behaviour. The member must be availed the opportunity to excuse performance or make a comment before the decision. Within a month after the decision of exclusion is communicated, an appeal against the decision can be made to the advisory board. Furthermore members can be excluded when they have got outstanding membership fees of at least two years. The general assembly decides over membership exclusions. Each member and affiliate has got the right to participate in the general assembly.
§5 Membership fees Members pay an annual fee. The amount is decided upon by the General Assembly. The fee is due every January, or on admission to membership. Fees, donations and other contributions serve the purpose defined in §2. Proof of use must be provided. Honorary members are exempted from the membership fee.
§6 Organs of the Association The following are the Association`s organs: - The General Assembly - The Executive Board - The Advisory Board
§7 General Assembly The highest organ of the “Citizen Services Corps” Association is the General Assembly. It holds especially the functions below: - Receiving the annual report and cash statement of the Executive Board - Auditor`s report - Relieving the Executive Board - Electing and voting out the Board - Resolution on revisions to the Statute and on the dissolution of the Association - Setting the amount and due date of the membership fees and contributions The General Assembly takes place once a year whereby the agenda must be annexed in writing at least two weeks before convening. The General Assembly is led by the Chairperson of the Executive Board or his or her proxy. The General Assembly may also elect a special assembly overseer at the suggestion of the Chairperson. Resolutions are passed through the majority vote of the members present. Abstentions from voting are counted as invalid votes. In the event of a tie of votes, the proposal is rejected. Resolutions on Statute revisions, changes to the purpose of the Association, or decisions on the dissolution of the Association require a voting majority of ¾ of the members present. The Executive Board decides on the method of voting. However, elections are conducted in writing by ballot paper unless the General Assembly unanimously approves an open election. Minutes of the General Assembly negotiations must be prepared and signed by the minute-taker and the Chairperson of the Board. A special General Assembly can be called if the Association`s interests make it necessary or when more than a third of the membership is required to meet at a time.
§8 The Executive Board The joint Board is made up of seven members: The Executive Board should be occupied by both men and women. The Executive Board conducts its role in an honorary capacity. The Executive Board is elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years. The re-election of Board members is possible. On expiration of their term, acting Board members remain in office until their successor has been elected.
§9 Rights, responsibilities and make-up of the Executive Board The Executive Board consists of five members according to § 26 of the German Civil Code (BGB): - a Chairperson - 2 deputy Chairpersons - a Chief Financial Officer - a Spokesperson of the Board The Executive Board is responsible for managing the Association`s running activities. It holds the following tasks in general: - Execution of decisions by the General Assembly - Sound accounting practice, compilation of the annual report, budget preparation
§10 Substitute Board §10.1. According to §26 of the German Civil Code (BGB), the Management Board consits of 5 members: a Chairman/ CEO, two Vice-Presidents, a Chief Financial Officer, a Director of the Communication. In each case two of them together represent the association, always including the Chairman.
§10.2. The power of representation of the Executive Board is restricted to legal acts of all kinds which may not exceed EUR 5,000.00 in individual cases. All other legal acts require the prior consent of the entire Executive Board in writing. The Executive Board can appoint commission-coordinators. They are responsible for the planning, coordination and implementation of projects in spheres of authority defined by the Executive Board beforehand. Executive Board meetings take place at least once every half-year. Invitations to the meetings come from the Executive Board Chairperson in writing in compliance with an appropriate time-limit of at least 14-days. The Board meetings have a quorum when more than half of the members with voting power are present. The Executive Board makes its decisions by ordinary resolution. Abstentions from voting are considered as invalid votes. In the event of a tie of votes, the proposal is rejected. In the event that a Board member resigns before the end of his or her term of service, the Executive Board is authorized to complete itself. Board members that are elected in this manner also remain in office until the next General Assembly.
§11 Payment of Association functions §11.1. Association and commission positions are generally held on an honorary basis.
§11.2. §11.1. and §2.4. notwithstanding, Executive Board members, members of the Association, sponsors and volunteers may be paid appropriate fees if needed according to § 3 Nr. 26 and § 3 Nr. 26a of the Income Tax Act (EStG) within the Association`s budgetary possibilities. The decision on payments according to §11.2. is made by the Substitute Board. The same applies to contract content and termination of contracts. According to §670 of the German Civil Code (BGB), the Executive Board, members, sponsors and volunteers have a claim to reimbursement of expenses incurred in carrying out the Association`s activities. These particularly include travel costs, postal charges, telephone, etc.
§12 Advisory Board The Advisory board consists of five members. The Advisory Board holds the following roles: - Advising the Executive Board on all matters concerning the Association - Resolution on the exclusion of members - All further tasks as assigned in this Statute The members of the Advisory Board are elected for a period of two years. Re-election is allowed. The members of the Advisory Board remain in office until their successors take up their functions. The Advisory Board should meet together at least once a year. The Advisory Board elects a Chairperson who is responsible for calling the meeting. The Advisory Board is called up when at least three of its members request a meeting. The Advisory Board Chairperson heads the board`s meetings. The Executive Board members hold the right to attend the Advisory Board meetings. The Advisory Board Chairman invites the Executive Board members to meetings within a reasonable time frame. The Advisory Board`s decisions must be recorded. The minutes are signed by the Advisory Board Chairperson. §13 Management The Executive Board can, with the approval of the General Assembly, appoint a General Secretary and an acting General Secretary as well as other employees to administrate its activities. The General Secretary and/or Deputy General Secretary build up the management. The Management is fully answerable to the Executive Board. The Management administrates according to the Executive Board`s instructions and represents the Association as part of its allocated tasks.
§14 Dissolution of the Association The dissolution of the Association can be decided upon during a General Assembly meeting called for specifically this purpose. The approval of the dissolution request requires a majority of ¾ of the members present at the General Assembly. In the event of the dissolution of the Association or the elimination of its tax-privileged purpose, non-government association of our choice becomes entitled to the Association`s assets, which it must only use for benevolent, religious or non-profit purposes.
§15. Entry into force This Statute enters into force on the day of the resolution on it.
Cologne, 03.11.2012 Notice : the original and reference version is in German language.