
22.08.2024 - Year 2024 - Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the communi
Year 2024 - Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the communities of ADOUM in EBOLOWA and NNEMEYONG in   [93 hits]

15.07.2024 - Year 2024 - Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the communi
Year 2024 - Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the communities of ADOUM in EBOLOWA and NNEMEYONG in   [135 hits]

10.08.2021 - Handover of toilets and equipment to Nnemeyong kindergarten in May 2018, kindergarten built by
Handover of toilets and equipment to Nnemeyong kindergarten in May 2018, kindergarten built by CSC eV in 2017 as a   [17239 hits]

14.09.2019 - Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the community of MEFO a
Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the community of MEFO and neighbouring villages as donations, first water fountain at the   [34133 hits]

31.05.2019 - The Cameroonian Diaspora NGO under German Law, Citizen Service Corps e.V. (CSC e.V.) offers a modern
The Cameroonian Diaspora NGO under German Law, Citizen Service Corps e.V. (CSC e.V.) offers a modern equipped classroom at the public school of Mvoutedoum in Bityili as   [34440 hits]

15.11.2015 - Citizen Service Corps e.V Managing Board, Dr. Eunice Mbuh donates for the MAKONG Library in Pinyin
The Pupils of Government School kongfune / Pinyin, North West Region of Cameroon Score 100% at the FSLC Examination 2015 thanks to a library donated by Member of CSC-   [62678 hits]

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