Year 2024 - Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the communities of ADOUM in EBOLOWA and NNEMEYONG in [94 hits]
Year 2024 - Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the communities of ADOUM in EBOLOWA and NNEMEYONG in [136 hits]
Citizen Service Corps e.V. officially hands over two Trinwaaser fountains to the community of MEFO and neighbouring villages as donations, first water fountain at the [34135 hits]
The Cameroonian Diaspora NGO under German Law, Citizen Service Corps e.V. (CSC e.V.) offers a modern equipped classroom at the public school of Mvoutedoum in Bityili as [34442 hits]
The Pupils of Government School kongfune / Pinyin, North West Region of Cameroon Score 100% at the FSLC Examination 2015 thanks to a library donated by Member of CSC- [62679 hits]